Troopers Hill
Visualisation & Design

AVR Verified Views
All development proposals, particularly those of significant height or mass have a measurable impact on the surrounding landscape or townscape. To assess the possible effect (positive, negative, significant or minor), planning authorities often require that the visual impact of the development is modelled, tested and verified using a combination of 3D modelling, rectified photography and spatial survey - Verified Views.
Verified Views, also known as Accurate Visual Representations (AVR) can be critical to the success of an application if used correctly.
With over 17 years experience in the production of verified views for planning, and working in partnership with specialist surveying teams we achieve an unsurpassed level of accuracy.
Our methodology is compliant with relevant sections of: The Landscape Institute Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment: 3rd edition (April 2013); Landscape Institute Advice Note (January 2011) Photography and Photomontage in Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment and where appropriate, London Plan 2011 Implementation Framework (March 2012) London View Management Framework Supplementary Planning Guidance: Appendix C: Accurate Visual Representations.
Architectural & Landscape Photography
The foundation of a good photomontage is photography, and the foundation of good photography is planning.
We have exacting standards for architectural and landscape photography and use only professional grade lenses, full frame digital SLR cameras and a keen eye for light and composition to achieve beautiful shots.
Architectural Tilt-Shift Photography
Wide-Angle Panoramic Landscape Photography
Interior Architectural Photography
SNH and HC Compliant Landscape Photography
LVMF and Landscape Institute Compliant Photography
Architectural Visualisation
Our breadth of technical knowledge and understanding of the planning system enables us to offer a flexible range of services to assist in the development of a design concept, produce visuals for a marketing brochure, produce pre-application drafts, or fulfill any individual requirement for visualisation you may have.
Full CGI
Non verified photomontages
Conceptual visuals
Interior visualisations
Artists' impressions, sketches, oils & watercolours
Renewable Energy Visualisation
Onshore & offshore wind, solar and tidal energy schemes are subject to the same planning constraints thst require considered use of photomontages and wireframe visualisations.
Single and multiple turbine wind farms
Physically based lighting and path tracing to achieve photorealism
Cumulative assessment wireframes and photomontages
SNH 2014 compliant planar panoramic and single frame photography, and documentation
Large and small scale solar arrays, with highly detailed and realistic panel tables, security fencing, inverters, cctv and mitigation planting: shown at multiple planting growth years.
Zone of Theoretical Visibility - bare earth, DSM and DTM based solutions.